From the 4th to the 7th of August, a working meeting was held in the city of Bitola in Northern Macedonia within the project “PROUD I – Preserving Romanes through the Utilization of an Online Dictionary?” with the participation of partners from Germany, Northern Macedonia, Greece, Hungary and Serbia.The main goal of the program is to find out if an online platform for Romanes would be a reasonable tool for both preserving Romanes as part of the Roma’s cultural identity and enabling them to participate in lifelong learning.The meeting presented the results of the research conducted in recent months. Current activities were also discussed and future steps were identified. Finally, there was a tour of the city and the library of Bitola, which is the first cultural institution to implement an Erasmus + program in the country.PANOSER was represented by the scientific associate Giannis Mantzas and Dimitris Kerkas from the Lighthouse of the World.The next meeting will take place in November 2021 in Greece.